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Supplying & Earning ​

How do I supply? ​

Initiate Supply ​

Access Bend app using Click on Dashboard section on the top left corner and then Supply button should be visible under "Your Supplies" section as shown below. SupplyS1

Select Supply ​

Once you click on supply, you're taken to "Markets" section. You will be able to choose the asset you wish to supply. For this example we're choosing $HONEY Supply_S2

Set Supply Quantity ​

Enter the quantity for the asset you want to supply Supply_S3

Confirm Supply Transaction ​

Confirm the transaction on metamask. Once the transaction is confirmed, your supply is successfully registered and you begin earning interest. The first supply of one asset will require an additional approval transaction. Supply_S4

Supply Successful ​

Once the transaction is confirmed the app will throw the message stating the confirmation.


Confirm Supplied Amount ​

Total supplied amount can be confirmed using the dashboard screen.


How much will I earn? ​

aTokens holders receive continuous earnings that evolve with market conditions based on:

  • The interest rate payment on loans - suppliers share the interest paid by borrowers corresponding to the average borrow rate times the utilization rate. The higher the utilization of a reserve the higher the yield for suppliers.

The NET PRR should be visible in the dashboard section.

Is there a minimum or maximum amount to supply? ​

There is no minimum or maximum amount set right now.

In future there might be additions of isolated lending assets that would have a maximum amount.

How do I withdraw? ​

  1. To withdraw you need to go to the "Dashboard" section and click on β€œWithdraw”. Supply_S5

  2. Select the amount to withdraw and submit the transaction. Also, you can use your β€œaTokens" as liquidity without withdrawing.Supply_S5


You would need to make sure there is enough liquidity (not borrowed) in order to withdraw, if this is not the case you would need to wait for more liquidity from suppliers or borrowers repaying.


  1. Confirm the transaction Supply_S5

  2. Wait till the transaction gets confirmed. The withdrawn asset should be visible in your wallet! Supply_S5