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Retrieve Loan Health in Berachain Bend

Retrieving the health of a user's loans may be important for various reasons, such as monitoring the safety of their loan or determining the eligibility for liquidation.

Following is a simple example for calling the Pool contract's getUserAccountData() function to retrieve the health of a user's loan.

TypeScript Example

import { Contract, utils } from "ethers";
const poolAbi = [
  "function getUserAccountData(address user) external view returns (uint256 totalCollateralBase, uint256 totalDebtBase, uint256 availableBorrowsBase, uint256 currentLiquidationThreshold, uint256 ltv, uint256 healthFactor)",
const poolContract = new Contract(POOL_ADDRESS, poolAbi, signer);

const {
} = await poolContract.getUserAccountData(userAddress);

The getUserAccountData() function returns the following:

totalCollateralBaseuint256The total collateral of the user in the base currency used by the price feed
totalDebtBaseuint256The total debt of the user in the base currency used by the price feed
availableBorrowsBaseuint256The borrowing power left of the user in the base currency used by the price feed
currentLiquidationThresholduint256The liquidation threshold of the user
ltvuint256The loan to value of The user
healthFactoruint256The current health factor of the user

Health Parameters Explained

  • currentLiquidationThreshold: The weighted average of the liquidation thresholds of the user's collateral assets. For example, if a user has deposited equal amounts of two assets with liquidation thresholds of 80% and 90%, the currentLiquidationThreshold would be 85%.
  • ltv: The loan-to-value ratio is the ratio of the loan amount to the value of the collateral. It is the quotient of totalDebtBase/totalCollateralBase.
  • healthFactor: The health factor is the ratio of the sum of the total collateral, multiplied by that collateral's liquidation threshold, to the total debt. A health factor below 1 indicates that the user's loan can be liquidated. See a detailed explanation of the health factor calculation.